
The latest from Lili about Boston Real Estate.

Unrealistic Expectations of Out of Town Home Buyers

January 6, 2018 |

Boston luxury home buyers moving from other cities will initially be looking for the same type of property where they lived previously. So, they spend a lot of their time looking for something that does not exist. Each city has its own local neighborhoods, its own characteristics, unique architecture, etc.

High-end homes everywhere, including luxury Boston real estate, are built based on that city’s demographic needs and taste. Buyers coming from New York City to Boston, for example, can’t expect to find identical luxury properties, no matter how long they wait. They are two different real estate markets.

Boston luxury home buyers coming from say, Tribeca, NY, might want similar loft space in Boston. Tribeca provides areas that are so different architecturally with unique building characteristics and unparalleled views with a comfortable neighborhood feel. Boston luxury real estate has its own charm, and buyers need to explore the value that sits in front of them, instead of trying to find a property in another market.

Buyers coming from a larger luxury markets should not expect the same space, building size, finishes and details they are accustomed to elsewhere. Each city is unique and offers something different that could actually be a refreshing change.

Once Boston luxury home buyers start their search with an open mind and are eager to explore the city’s uniqueness, the search process becomes much more pleasant.


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